Safe and painless tooth extraction – Tips from dental experts

A tooth extraction is a dental procedure. Your dentist may recommend tooth extraction if you have severe tooth decay (cavities), severe gum disease, etc, or if you need orthodontics or braces. Many people are often “obsessed” when they experience tooth extraction. The following tips for painless and safe tooth extraction from experts at Viet Phap International Dentistry will help you get rid of worries and feel easy during and after tooth extraction. Let’s find out now!

1. What is a tooth extraction?

A tooth extraction is a dental procedure during which your tooth is completely removed from its socket. During this procedure, a skillful dentist will use specialized, sterile dental tools to separate the gums, cut the periodontal ligament, stretch the alveolar bone, and remove the tooth.

Nhổ răng là thủ thuật nhổ bỏ răng khỏi ổ răng
Nhổ răng là thủ thuật nhổ bỏ răng khỏi ổ răng

2. Required cases and contraindications for tooth extraction

Some people are afraid of tooth extraction. However, it is a good solution if you have dental diseases such as periodontitis, pulp diseases, tooth decay, dental treatment, etc. There are cases in which tooth extraction is required and contraindicated. You need to clearly understand to make the most appropriate choice.

2.1 Cases that tooth extraction is required

Tooth extraction is a mandatory dental procedure that needs to be performed in the following cases:

Dental problems

  • Severe periodontitis: Periodontitis is a serious form of gum disease. Left untreated, it erodes the bone that supports your teeth. When you have severe periodontitis your teeth may become loose and can potentially fall out. Tooth extraction is the appropriate solution to remove teeth that are about to break and avoid the risk of gingivitis and damage to the alveolar bone of surrounding teeth.
  • Severe tooth decay: Severe tooth decay will affect the ability to eat and chew and cause a lot of pain. If tooth decay continues, it can spread Streptococcus mutans – the bacterium, that is responsible for tooth decay, to neighboring teeth. Therefore, removing decayed teeth is necessary to reduce persistent pain and protect other teeth better.
  • Misaligned and crowded teeth: Misaligned and crowded teeth badly affect aesthetics and make oral hygiene more difficult. In some cases such as braces or dental bridges, the dentist will remove misaligned or crowded teeth to make the teeth more even-distributed and beautiful.
  • Underground and impacted wisdom teeth: Underground and impacted wisdom teeth cause a lot of pain and discomfort even when not chewing. Early removal of these extra teeth will help eliminate pain and will not affect other teeth
  • Pulp diseases: if it is not treated early, it can cause infection and spread to surrounding teeth. To avoid severe tooth root damage or even pulp necrosis, dentists will perform dental surgery in this case.
Các trường hợp bắt buộc phải nhổ răng
Các trường hợp bắt buộc phải nhổ răng

Chipped and broken teeth due to accident or injury

When you have an accident or injury that causes your tooth to break or has a large chip and cannot be restored by other solutions, tooth extraction is the optimal solution. After tooth extraction, you can get an implant to restore the missing tooth. In some cases of severe trauma causing damage to the tooth pulp, tooth extraction is necessary to avoid causing damage to surrounding teeth.

Dental treatment

Some dental treatments also require tooth extraction to improve aesthetic effects and give you strong teeth, ensure chewing ability. There are some specific solutions, such as:

  • Braces: Before braces, the dentist may prescribe some teeth extraction to create space for the teeth to move to the desired position. This will increase the effectiveness of braces and the aesthetics.
  • Dental implant: When a tooth is severely decayed, broken due to an accident, or has periodontitis, etc, the dentist will extract the damaged tooth to perform an implant. The extracted tooth root will then be replaced by an implant to create a secure post for a crown.
Nhiều trường hợp niềng răng hoặc cấy ghép implant cũng cần nhổ răng
Nhiều trường hợp niềng răng hoặc cấy ghép implant cũng cần nhổ răng

Other reasons

  • Poor oral health: In some cases, easily loose or broken teeth may require tooth extraction and implant placement to ensure aesthetics and chewing ability.
  • Poor oral hygiene: When you have poor oral hygiene, your teeth easily get cavities, gingivitis, etc. Tooth extraction is needed to avoid further damage and spread to surrounding teeth.

2.2. Cases that tooth extraction is contraindicated

Tooth extraction is indicated in many cases to help ensure oral health, chewing ability and aesthetics. However, tooth extraction should not be performed because it can negatively affect your health in the following cases:

  • Blood clotting disorders and diabetes: A blood clotting disorder is a condition that makes your body more likely than normal to make blood clots, leading to the risk of prolonged and difficult-to-control bleeding after tooth extraction. With diabetes, slow wound healing can cause the extracted tooth root to bleed and be infected.
  • Epilepsy and psychosis: The tooth extraction procedure can cause stress and anxiety, which may increase the risk of seizure during dental treatment in epileptic patients. If tooth extraction is required, the patient needs to take sedatives for a few days before the procedure.

  • Menstruation and pregnancy: During menstruation and pregnancy, women often experience hormonal changes that can affect their ability to heal wounds, and increase the risk of bleeding and infection after tooth extraction.
  • leukemia and osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ): leukemia impairs the immune system, putting the body at increased risk of developing severe infections after tooth extraction and leading to dangerous complications such as sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. People with ONJ may have their situation worsen. Therefore, people with leukemia or osteonecrosis of the jaw should not have their teeth extracted.
Các trường hợp chống chỉ định nhổ răng
Các trường hợp chống chỉ định nhổ răng

3. Tooth extraction procedure at Viet Phap International Dental Clinic

Extraction is one of the invasive dental procedures that need to be performed systematically and step-by-step. The following is the medical-standard tooth extraction procedure performed at Viet Phap International Dental Clinic:

  • Step 1: Clinical examination and diagnosis: The dentist will do a general oral examination and the condition of the tooth that needs to be extracted, and take X-rays to evaluate the alveolar bone structure and determine the exact tooth root position.
  • Step 2: Teeth cleaning: The dentist will clean the patient’s teeth before extracting the tooth to remove bacteria and ensure safety during the procedure.
  • Step 3: Local anesthesia before tooth extraction: The dentist will inject local anesthetic into the gum area around the tooth.
  • Step 4: Tooth loosening: The dentist uses specialized dental tools to loosen the tooth root from the socket.
  • Step 5: Tooth extraction: The dentist uses the Piezotome, a tooth extraction device, to slide between the bone and tooth to release the tooth from the periodontal ligaments. The device generates ultrasonic vibrations which release tooth fibers that hold the tooth into its socket, causing little damage to the gums and surrounding soft tissue, so you do not feel pain.
  • Step 6: Bleeding after tooth extraction and follow-up schedule: After tooth extraction, the dentist can apply hemostatic medicine or place gauze over the extraction site to help control bleeding. The dentist schedules a follow-up visit with the patient to check the wound and ensure the healing process efficiently.
Quy trình 6 bước nhổ răng đúng chuẩn y khoa
Quy trình 6 bước nhổ răng đúng chuẩn y khoa

4. Complications after tooth extraction

Complications after a dental procedure that include:

  • Bleeding: During the first 24 hours after tooth extraction, you will experience bleeding. If the bleeding still occurs after 24 hours and has no signs of improvement, you need to see a doctor soon. The reason is often due to improper tooth extraction techniques or improper post-extraction tooth care.
  • Swelling and pain: Swelling and pain usually appear in the first 2-3 days. This is a normal reaction of the body. You can apply a cold compress to the cheek near the tooth extraction position or use pain relievers as prescribed by your dentist.
  • Infection: After tooth extraction, you can get infected due to unsafe procedures and poor post-procedure care. You may experience swelling, pain, and wound discharge due to bacterial invasion. If you encounter this situation, please contact your dentist immediately for prompt treatment.
  • Osteomyelitis (OM): In case of having high fever, chills, and widespread swelling, you most likely have osteomyelitis after tooth extraction. It is a dangerous situation that you need to see a doctor soon to have treatment.
  • Nerve damage: There are many nerves around the teeth. Patients may experience tingling, numbness, or a “pins and needles” sensation in the affected area. In this situation, please quickly contact your doctor for treatment.
  • Permanent tooth loss: After extraction, permanent teeth will not grow back. If you want to restore missing teeth, you need to have methods, such as implants and dental bridges.
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Các biến chứng có thể xảy ra sau khi nhổ răng

5. Tooth extractions cost

Tooth extraction cost usually ranges from VND 1,000,000 – VND 5,000,000, depending on the teeth condition and types such as baby teeth, roots, incisors, molars, wisdom teeth, etc. The following is the price list for tooth extraction services at Viet Phap International Dental Clinic, one of the reputable dental clinics, with 15 years of experience in dentistry. You can refer to this price for appropriate financial planning.

ServicesPrice (VND, per tooth)
Gum cutting1.000.000
Baby tooth extraction100.000
Tooth root extraction500.000 – 1.000.000
Extraction of incisors and molars (teeth number 1 to the number 5)1.000.000
Extraction of molars (teeth number 6 and number 7)2.000.000
Underground teeth extraction2.000.000 – 5.000.000
Tooth extraction using an ultrasound machine(+) 1.000.000
Tooth extraction using platelet-rich plasma (PRP)(+) 1.000.000
Upper wisdom tooth extraction
Growing straight1.500.000
Growing crooked2.000.000 – 2.500.000
Growing underground3.000.000 – 5.000.000
Lower wisdom tooth extraction
Growing straight2.000.000
Growing crooked at a 45-degree angle2.500.000
Growing crooked at a 90-degree angle3.000.000
Teeth growing crookedly4.000.000 – 5.000.000
Giá nhổ răng ưu đãi tại Nha khoa Quốc Tế Việt Pháp
Giá nhổ răng ưu đãi tại Nha khoa Quốc Tế Việt Pháp

6. Tooth extraction aftercare

Learn more about tooth extraction aftercare to ensure safety and limit possible complications.

  • Oral hygiene: After tooth extraction, you should keep your teeth clean, brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid rubbing directly on the damaged gum area. You should not use salt water and some mouthwashes within 24 hours after tooth extraction, because they can slow blood clotting and irritate the wound.
  • List of foods to eat: After having a tooth extracted, you should eat soft, nutritious foods such as porridge, soups, broth, yogurt, easy-chewing fruits (bananas, avocados), and soft-boiled vegetables. Tough foods, too hot or too cold foods, and alcohol should be limited to avoid harming the wound.
  • Pain management and wound care: You need to keep a sterile bandage on the gum area where the tooth was extracted for 1 hour to stop the bleeding. You can use pain relievers as prescribed by your dentist to reduce pain.
  • Using an ice pack to reduce pain and not touch the wound: If you have swelling or pain after tooth extraction, you can apply an ice pack to your cheek, to calm the wound. You absolutely should not touch or use sharp objects in the area where the tooth was extracted because it can damage the wound or cause infection.
  • Following your dentist’s instructions: After tooth extraction, your dentist will give you specific instructions on how to take care of your teeth. Please follow your doctor’s instructions to ensure safety and achieve the best results.
Khi nhổ răng cần đặc biệt lưu ý vấn đề chăm sóc và chế độ ăn uống
Khi nhổ răng cần đặc biệt lưu ý vấn đề chăm sóc và chế độ ăn uống

7. Answers about tooth extraction

Here are some questions and answers about common tooth extraction concerns to help you understand more about this dental procedure.

Does tooth extraction hurt?

You will not feel pain during the tooth extraction procedure because the dentist will use local anesthesia before the surgery. Normally, you only feel a little pressure or discomfort. After tooth extraction, you may experience swelling or pain, but it will quickly go away after a few days.

Is it safe to extract more than one tooth at a time?

Multiple teeth should be extracted whether or not at the same time depending on each specific case. If the teeth that need to be extracted are located next to each other, have a similar structure, or many teeth have periodontitis, extracting multiple teeth at once is a good choice to save time and can completely solve the dental problem.

Có nên nhổ nhiều răng cùng lúc không
Có nên nhổ nhiều răng cùng lúc không sẽ dựa vào tình trạng răng của khách hàng

Which teeth are the most dangerous to pull out?

According to dentists, wisdom tooth extraction is the most dangerous surgery. Wisdom teeth grow underground, located deep inside the jawbone, and often grow crookedly in many different directions. This situation makes accessing and extracting teeth more difficult, requiring high technique and longer procedure time than other teeth.

Does decayed molar extraction hurt?

Decayed molar extraction will not be painful during the procedure. After tooth extraction, the pain will depend on the situation of the tooth. If the tooth has mild decay and has not affected the pulp, tooth extraction will be less painful than if the tooth has severe decay that has affected the pulp.

Does decayed tooth extraction hurt?

Decayed tooth extraction is not painful because the dentist gives anesthesia before performing the surgery. After extraction, the pain will depend on the condition of the tooth, the situation of the tooth, the extraction technology, and the dentist’s skill.

Does wisdom tooth extraction hurt?

After wisdom tooth extraction, you normally feel more pain than other teeth. Because wisdom teeth often grow in complex positions, grow underground deeply, have many roots, and stick to nearby nerves or structures, causing more pain.

Does tooth extraction cause hollow cheeks?

Whether the upper molar extraction changes the face’s shape or not will depend on many factors such as:

  • Tooth position: If tooth number 7 is extracted – the position is far towards the inner part of the jaw, it has little effect on facial aesthetics, so the possibility of hollow cheeks is low. As for tooth number 6 – located closer to the front, it can affect facial aesthetics if it is not restored promptly.
  • Age for tooth extraction: For the young, the jaw bone is still flexible, the recovery ability is better, and there is little chance of having hollow cheeks. For adults, the jawbone begins to age and has less ability to recover, so it is easy to have hollow cheeks after the upper teeth extraction
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8. Reputable addresses for tooth extraction

Many dental clinics perform tooth extraction services now. You should prioritize reputable clinics that own modern facilities and equipment and a team of experienced dentists. Viet Phap International Dental with 15 years of experience in the dental field is a typical clinic and trusted by many customers. With many outstanding advantages, Viet Phap International Dental Clinic will help you extract teeth safely and limit the pain.

  • Facilities: Viet Phap International Dental Clinic owns a chain of 9 big and modern branches in 3 provinces: Hanoi, Bac Ninh and Quang Ninh. Each branch of Viet Phap International Dental Clinic has a spacious, airy, and clean space, bringing customers great experiences.
  • Skillful dentists: All dentists at Viet Phap International Dental Clinic are formally trained at famous medical universities and some of them are doctors who have studied abroad. With a high level of skills and dedication, customers can be completely assured when choosing to have their teeth extracted at Viet Phap International Dental Clinic
  • Using modern technology: Each Viet Phap International Dental Clinic branch is equipped with modern machinery. Piezotome ultrasound machine is a powerful assistant that helps the tooth extraction procedure be quick and painless.

Viet Phap International Dental Clinic is proud to have all the necessary elements of a reputable dental clinic so that customers can feel secure in services, that are simple and complex. With the mission of “Bringing healthy and confident smiles to all Vietnamese people”, Viet Phap International Dental Clinic will accompany to take care of the oral health of all customers.

Above are the shares of Viet Phap International Dental Clinic about dental tooth extraction procedures. It hopefully has helped you have useful information for safe tooth extraction with few complications. Don’t forget to choose reputable dental clinics like Viet Phap International Dental Clinic to place your trust.

Contact information

In Hanoi: 

⛔ No. 24, Tran Duy Hung Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi

⛔ No.06 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi

⛔ No.69 Tran Dang Ninh Street, Dich Vong Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi

⛔ No.29 Nguyen Du Street, Bui Thi Xuan Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi 

⛔ No. 358, Block 36, O H-TT5, Hi Brand Residential Area, Van Phu New Urban Area, Phu La Ward, Ha Dong District, Hanoi (next to the clock block)

In Bac Ninh:

⛔ No. 119, Huyen Quang Street, Ninh Xá Ward, Bac Ninh city, Bac Ninh Province

In Quang Ninh:

⛔ No. 90 Quang Trung Street, Uong Bi City, Quang Ninh Province

⛔ No. 7, Nguyen Van Cu Street, (Kenh Liem junction), Ha Long City

⛔  No. 362, Tran Hung Dao Street (Loong Toong intersection), Ha Long City