Is teeth whitening safe? 3 effective ways to whiten your teeth

1. What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a variety of processes that aim to make the surface of the teeth appear whiter by using hydrogen peroxide and light energy (halogen or laser) to attack and break down the pigment molecules within the tooth, which causes tooth discoloration and eventually whiten the tooth.

2. Should I whiten my teeth? Who is suitable for teeth whitening?

One question we get asked the most is that should I whiten my teeth?

Many experts still recommend teeth whitening, but this solution should not be done in all cases. It will depend on the condition of each person’s teeth.

Có nên tẩy trắng răng không?
Có nên tẩy trắng răng không?

2.1. Who should whiten their teeth?

The dentist will base on each customer’s teeth condition to give advise whether teeth whitening is recommended or not. However, teeth whitening is basically indicated when customers experience the following problems:

  • Uneven teeth color
  • Yellow or dull teeth
  • Tetracycline Teeth
  • Desire for have a beautiful smile
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Các trường hợp nên tẩy trắng răng

2.2. Who should not whiten their teeth?

In most cases, the dentist will examine and recommend the teeth whitening after getting requested by the customer. If you are in one of the following cases, you should absolutely not whiten your teeth to avoid unfortunate consequences:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women
  • People with dental diseases such as tooth wear, periodontitis, cavities
  • People with a history of allergies in whitening products’ ingredients
  • Children under the age of 16
  • Elderly people and people with other chronic diseases

If you are in one of the above cases, you should have a treatment, then teeth whitening to ensure effectiveness and avoid unwanted health-related diseases.

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Các trường hợp không nên tẩy trắng răng

3. Current teeth whitening methods

There are many teeth whitening methods available today, from simple to complex, and there are even methods you can do at home. Let’s find out the pros and cons of each method below:

3.1. Teeth whitening at home

Teeth whitening at home is the use of natural teeth whitening methods or through whitening and brightening strips such as:

Teeth whitening trays: Trays that fit your teeth. The function of the whitening tray is to ensure that the bleach stays in close contact with the teeth and stays away of the surrounding gums.


  • After taking an impression of your teeth, custom-fitted application trays will be made from a flexible plastic material.
  • The trays are filled with whitening gel and worn for a certain time. The gel from the tray will work on the surface of your teeth and gradually whiten them.
  • The time to wear the trays is 2 hours per day and can be worn overnight.
  • They are popular, easy to use and convenient in daily life, can be done at home without going to the dentist.
  • They save time. You can still work as usual and wear the trays at the same time. 
  • They save money compared to dentist teeth whitening
  • They are only suitable for people with slightly yellow teeth. In cases of long-term discoloration, this method is slow and almost insignificant.
  • They can affect tooth enamel if customers use bleaching products of unknown origin, overdose, and do not follow the doctor’s instructions.
  • They increase the risk of gingivitis if customers use it for too long, overdose, or use a tray that is not suitable for the size of the jaw

Teeth whitening strips: They contain whitening chemicals such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide to stick directly onto the surface of the teeth.


  • Apply the strip directly to the tooth surface for 30-60 minutes.
  • The whitening gel on the strip will work directly on the tooth surface, thereby removing the yellow color, and restoring bright white teeth.


  • They are easy to use, can be done at home and still be able to work.
  • They save time because you can choose the time to use them.
  • They make your teeth naturally white.
  • They are inexpensive compared to teeth whitening trays and dentist teeth whitening.
  • It is difficult to determine the exact amount of the bleaching gel, which can harm tooth enamel and gums.
  • They may irritate gums and soft tissues due to direct contact of the strip with the gums.
  • This method has a slow effect and must be used for 10-15 days to see clear changes.
  • The effect does not last long. Teeth are easily stained again after only 3-6 months.
  • They can lead to uneven tooth color because sticking evenly across the tooth surface is difficult.

Other methods: Some methods use natural ingredients or folk remedies and tips such as baking soda, activated charcoal, coconut oil, etc.


  • Teeth whitening ingredients are all natural, such as activated charcoal, coconut oil, baking soda, etc.
  • Some ways are to combine these ingredients with toothpaste or use directly on the surface of the teeth, then rinse and clean.
  • Natural whitening chemicals will react with the tooth surface to remove stains and yellow color.



  • It is simple to do and can be done at home.
  • Natural ingredients are easy to find, and suitable for people who are allergic to whitening gels. 
  • They can be used by children because they do not contain harmful chemicals.
  • They are cheap teeth whitening methods because the ingredients are easy to find
  • The whitening effect is not high and only applicable for cases of slightly stained or discolored teeth, and takes a long time.
  • Incorrect use can damage the gums and erode tooth enamel.
Các phương pháp tẩy trắng răng hiện nay
Các phương pháp tẩy trắng răng hiện nay

3.2. Teeth whitening at the dentist

Teeth whitening at the dentist is a whitening method performed directly at dental clinics. Dentists will combine the use of chemicals or whitening technology to clean and brighten the tooth surface


  • Examinations and consultations are done by specialists.
  • The result of it is better than self-whitening at home.
  • It does not take too much time to perform, only 1 – 2 hours due to the dentists and specialized whitening tools
  • Teeth after bleaching have an even color because they are performed by experienced specialists.
  • Whitened teeth keep color longer than self-whitening at home, and can last from 3 – 5 years.


  • It costs more than whitening your teeth at home.
  • Teeth can still become yellow and dull again if they are not taken care of properly.

Compared to self-whitening at home, teeth whitening at the dentist is the choice recommended by many experts, because it is both safe and highly effective.

Viet Phap International Dental Clinic is currently using a modern Laser teeth whitening. After applying the bleaching gel to the patient’s tooth surface, the dentists will use a blue LED light to reduce discoloration on teeth, helping to whiten teeth quickly and effectively.

The advantage of this technique is its high efficiency, improving from 5 – 8 tones compared to the previous tooth color. In particular, Laser teeth whitening also has the effect of regenerating tooth enamel, creating a protective film to cover the tooth surface. The procedure time is quick, only taking about 30 minutes. During the procedure, patients will not feel pain or discomfort.

After the procedure, Viet Phap International Dental Clinic will guide you on how to care for your teeth to prolong the whitening time from 3 to 4 years, such as not using carbonated drinks, coffee, etc.

Laser teeth whitening is suitable for most patients, especially those who are experiencing one of the following conditions:

  • Discolored, yellow teeth.
  • Uneven color of the entire set of teeth.
  • Mild antibiotic-stained gums or teeth.
  • People who want to improve their tooth color to have more beautiful, whiter teeth.

Currently, the Laser whitening technique of Viet Phap International Dental Clinic is being trusted and chosen by many customers. With the slogan “Every patient leaves with a satisfied feeling and a confident smile”, Viet Phap International Dental Clinic ensures to bring patients the best service, help improve oral health, and return a confident, radiant smile.

Tẩy trắng răng bằng phương pháp Laser Whitening
Tẩy trắng răng bằng phương pháp Laser Whitening

4. Your Step-by-step guide to professional teeth whitening

The teeth whitening procedure at Viet Phap International Dental Clinic is using Laser Whitening technique with 4 steps as follows:

  • Step 1: Do a general examination and a consultation on the patient’s dental condition before performing. If the patient has some dental diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, or periodontitis, the dentist will treat them first and whiten them later.
  • Step 2: Clean your teeth by removing tartar and plaque on the surface. This helps to enhance the effectiveness of the whitening gel.
  • Step 3: Use the Laser whitening technique to whiten teeth by applying a layer of bleaching gel with the appropriate dose, then the dentist uses a blue laser to shine directly on the part of the tooth that has been applied with the gel.
  • Step 4: Instruct the patient on how to properly care for their teeth at home.
Quy trình 4 bước tẩy trắng răng
Quy trình 4 bước tẩy trắng răng

To improve the whitening effect and maintain the durability of teeth after laser teeth whitening, patients need to pay attention to the following care tips

  • Avoid foods and drinks with dark colors such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks, and limit the dosage in the first 2 weeks.
  • Avoid foods that are too cold or too hot to avoid tooth sensitivity, as teeth may become more sensitive after whitening.
  • Do not use manual whitening methods at home for at least 1 month from the time of Laser teeth whitening.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush your teeth.
  • Use mouthwash and dental floss to clean away plaque from food.
  • Use toothpaste that contains a lot of fluoride to help strengthen teeth.

5. Side effects of teeth whitening

“Is teeth whitening harmful?” or “What side effects can occur after teeth whitening?” are issues that many people are concerned about. In fact, each whitening method has certain risks. Below are some side effects that can occur when you whiten your teeth:

  • Sensitive teeth: Your teeth will be more sensitive because teeth whitening products contain high levels of hydrogen peroxide. Small pain and soreness may happen in people who already have sensitive teeth.
  • Gingivitis: Improper teeth whitening can lead to gingivitis. This often happens with at-home whitening procedures that are done incorrectly.
    Tooth enamel damage: During the whitening procedure, If you do not pay attention to the dosage and use too much bleaching gel, you can erode your tooth enamel.
  • Uneven tooth color changes: Improper teeth whitening can also lead to uneven tooth color, commonly seen with teeth whitening strips or manual methods.
  • Tooth enamel damage: During the whitening procedure, If you do not pay attention to the dosage and use too much bleaching gel, you can erode your tooth enamel.

It can be seen that most of the side effects come from incorrect whitening methods and procedures when people do it at home. Therefore, if you want to whiten your teeth safely, you should carefully read the instructions and be careful in each step. The best way is to use the whitening method at the dentist to get the best service.


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Các biến chứng khi tẩy trắng răng

6. How much does teeth whitening cost?

The cost of teeth whitening depends on many factors. For whitening teeth at home, the cost depends on the method, number of sessions, and materials you use.
If you use the whitening service at a dental clinic, each clinic will have its price list for each service and whitening technique. Below is the price list for teeth whitening at Viet Phap International Dental Clinic for your reference:

TypeQuantityCurrent price (VND)Discount price (VND)
Taking an impression (without the bleaching gel)2 custom trays2.000.0001.000.000 icon dong
Teeth whitening at home with a kit of 2 tubes1 case3.000.0002.000.000 icon dong
Teeth whitening at the clinic1 case3.000.000 – 4.000.000
Teeth whitening at the clinic and at home1 case4.000.000 – 5.000.000

The above is only the basic price for teeth whitening. For each specific case, the dentist will base on the customer’s teeth condition to give the exact price. To know the price for each specific case, please contact Viet Phap International Dental Clinic immediately at 0363.858.587 or visit one of the nine clinics in the North for the most detailed advice.

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Chi phí tẩy trắng răng phụ thuộc vào nhiều yếu tố

7. Tooth whitening notes

The teeth whitening procedure will be most effective if the customer carefully follow the instructions and diet, etc. for both before and after the procedure.

Below are some notes you need to keep in mind to whiten your teeth:

  • Notes before teeth whitening
  • Check your gums and teeth carefully to see whether you are suitable and eligible for whitening.
  • Eliminate tooth and gum problems: If you are having problems such as gingivitis, tooth decay, periodontitis, etc., you should treat them before doing any teeth whitening method.
  • Use the suitable whitening method: Not all teeth whitening methods are good. To achieve the best results, you need to discuss with your doctor to find the method that is suitable for your oral condition.
  • Pay attention to your foods and drinks: You can also prevent and improve the condition of discolored teeth by changing your eating and living habits and limiting the use of colorful foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, wine, carbonated water, etc.
Các lưu ý quan trọng khi tẩy trắng răng
Các lưu ý quan trọng khi tẩy trắng răng

Notes after teeth whitening

For the after-whitening stage, you need to pay attention to some issues to keep your teeth white for the longest time, such as:

  • Oral hygiene: You should use mouthwash and dental floss to remove plaque from your teeth after eating. In addition, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to strengthen your teeth.
  • Gum care: You should maintain the habit of rinsing your mouth and limit strong impacts to avoid damaging your gums.
  • Following the diet advised by your doctor: In the first month, you should eat soft foods such as porridge, soup, and broth and avoid colored foods such as tea, wine, coffee, etc. You should also limit foods that are too hot or too cold to avoid tooth sensitivity. After 1 month, you can eat the above foods again, but it is best to limit the dosage to avoid discoloring your teeth.
  • Regular check-ups: Keep up with regular dental check-ups to ensure your teeth and gums are still in the best condition after whitening, and to allow your dentist to take action if your teeth become dull, stained, or uneven in color.

8. Some questions about teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is a concern to many customers, so the mailbox of Viet Phap International Dental Clinic always receives many related questions. Below is a summary of some questions about teeth whitening and answers from our experts

Does teeth whitening damage tooth enamel?

Studies indicate that teeth whitening does not damage tooth enamel if it is done correctly and follows the instructions and procedure. Therefore, we advise you to use teeth whitening methods at a dental clinic and not to do it yourself at home using unproven methods.

Does teeth whitening hurt?

Teeth whitening causes no pain because it is only a method to improve tooth color, non-invasive. For people with sensitive teeth, it can cause pain.

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Tẩy trắng răng có đau không? Câu trả lời là không

How long does teeth whitening last?

The white color of teeth can last from 6 months to 2 years depending on the condition of the teeth and the bleaching method, such as:

  • Teeth whitening by manual or traditional methods: From 3 to 6 months.
  • Teeth whitening at home with strips or trays: From 6 months to 1 year.
  • Teeth whitening at the dentist: From 1 to 2 years, can even last more than 3 years if properly cared for.

Does teeth whitening cause tooth sensitivity?

Teeth whitening can cause sensitivity. It is common in people with sensitive teeth. However, you do not need to worry because the sensitivity will go away after 1-2 days of whitening and will not affect your teeth.

Does teeth whitening make teeth weak?

Professional teeth whitening does not cause any threat to the enamel if it is done correctly and with the right procedure, because this method does not change the structure nor does it affect the function of the teeth.

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Tẩy trắng răng không làm răng yếu đi

Do teeth turn yellow again after whitening?

Teeth can still turn yellow again if they are not properly cared for, or if you regularly eat colored foods that affect your teeth. In addition, if your teeth turn yellow or dull due to internal factors such as antibiotic infection, the rate of yellowing again is very high.

How long do your teeth feel sensitive after whitening?

Sensitivity after teeth whitening usually lasts no more than 48 hours and then completely disappears. If you still feel sensitivity after this period, you should go to the dentist for a check-up, because you may have bleached incorrectly or at an unreliable dental clinic.

Teeth whitening brings many benefits to people and helps them to be confident in front of a crowd with a bright, beautiful smile.
Choose a reputable dental clinic to improve and keep your teeth white and bright, durable over time!

Contact information

In Hanoi: 

⛔ No. 24, Tran Duy Hung Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi

⛔ No.06 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi

⛔ No.69 Tran Dang Ninh Street, Dich Vong Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi

⛔ No.29 Nguyen Du Street, Bui Thi Xuan Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi 

⛔ No. 358, Block 36, O H-TT5, Hi Brand Residential Area, Van Phu New Urban Area, Phu La Ward, Ha Dong District, Hanoi (next to the clock block)

In Bac Ninh:

⛔ No. 119, Huyen Quang Street, Ninh Xá Ward, Bac Ninh city, Bac Ninh Province

In Quang Ninh:

⛔ No. 90 Quang Trung Street, Uong Bi City, Quang Ninh Province

⛔ No. 7, Nguyen Van Cu Street, (Kenh Liem junction), Ha Long City

⛔  No. 362, Tran Hung Dao Street (Loong Toong intersection), Ha Long City