What is tooth filling? Tooth filling costs from VND 300,000 per tooth.

A confident, bright smile can impact your working environment, influence your professional interactions, and fuel your career success. However, dental problems such as tooth decay, chipped teeth, gaps between teeth, etc. will affect aesthetics and chewing ability. Dental filling is an effective solution to restore and protect teeth and help you regain a confident smile.

1.What is a Tooth Filling?

Tooth filling (also known as dental filling) a common treatment for tooth decay that uses artificial materials such as Sandwich technique from GIC/Composite, etc. to restore back to its normal function and shape while preventing further decay.

Trám răng (hàn răng) là gì
Trám răng (hàn răng) là gì

2. What are the effects of a tooth filling?

Tooth filling is an effective dental procedure that offers many benefits for your oral health. Here are four common benefits of tooth fillings:

  • Improve a tooth’s appearance: Tooth fillings help to fill a hole and improve a tooth’s appearance due to tooth decay, chipped tooth, cracked tooth, or after treating diseases such as pulpitis, and enamel erosion. Tooth filling can also cover and re-shape front teeth to help you eat easily and achieve the smile you have always wanted.
  • Protect the natural teeth: Dental fillings have the benefit that by treating a cavity you stop it from growing any larger and having pulpitis. Dental fillings also help protect tooth enamel, preventing enamel erosion caused by acids from food.
  • Improve chewing ability: When your teeth are chipped, broken, or decayed, you will experience occasional discomfort. Dental fillings help restore the chewing ability, allowing you to eat well and digest better.
  • Enhance the aesthetics: Chipped, broken, or decayed teeth can cause bad effects to your appearance. Dental fillings can cover these imperfections, giving you a confident and bright smile.

3. When should a tooth be filled?

Dental fillings are a popular dental solution to provide the perfection for healthy and beautiful teeth and help you shine confidently in every moment. However, no one can clearly understand when they should consider this solution. You should have your teeth filled in the following cases:

  • Tooth decay: It is the biggest reason why you might have to have a filling on your tooth. When bacteria create a sticky layer called plaque over your teeth, a tooth filling will help fill the hole, prevent bacteria from entering further, and protect the tooth pulp. Warning signs of tooth decay include toothache, especially when you eat sweet or hot foods; teeth turning brown or black; small holes appearing on the tooth surface.
  • Diastema: It is a condition where you have a noticeable gap between teeth. It can pose serious dental health threats such as getting food stuck easily, bad breath, tooth decay, difficulty in oral hygiene; and affecting aesthetics. Dental fillings can help narrow the gap between teeth, improve chewing ability, and bring confidence to patients.
  • Chipped teeth: Chipped teeth can be caused by a variety of incidents, falls, and tooth grinding. When a tooth is chipped and a piece of protective enamel is missing, this makes the tooth sensitive to hot, cold, and sweet food and drinks. Fillings can help restore the shape of your tooth, protect the pulp, and improve aesthetics.
  • Replace an old filling: Dental fillings can wear out over time. If your old filling is damaged, it may need to be replaced to protect your tooth and prevent cavities.


A tooth filling is not the solution to all dental problems. In some situations, you may need other treatments such as crowns or tooth extraction. In addition, you should also visit your dentist every 6 months to detect dental problems early and get advice on fillings.

Các trường hợp nên hàn trám răng
Các trường hợp nên hàn trám răng

4. Comparisons of dental filling materials

Currently, there are many types of dental filling materials. The most common are silver amalgam, composite, ceramic, metal and glass-ionomer cements. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the right dental filling material depends on many factors such as:

  • Tooth position: Each material has different strengths, aesthetics, and suitabilities. Front tooth replacement requires more aesthetic consideration while the molars need more biting strength.
  • Degree of damage: The dentist examines and advises on the tooth condition and chooses the appropriate filling material
  • Cost: The cost of dental filling materials is different. Customers need to consider their financial ability to make the right choice.

The table below will compare some popular dental filling materials currently used at Viet Phap International Dental Clinic:

MaterialDefinitionPros and cons
AmalgamSilver amalgam is an alloy of mercury with silver, tin and copper.
  • Pros: low price, high durability, good resistance, and to be used in large filling holes or chewing surfaces of molars
  • Cons: discoloration affects aesthetics, so it is only used to fill molars
CeramicDental ceramic is a dental material, which has the same natural color of teeth.Pros

  • High aesthetics
  • High durability
  • Good load-bearing capacity and low food adhesion


  • High cost
  • It is easy to peel off if filling procedure is not done well.
CompositeComposite is a high-quality synthetic resin that has the same color as real teeth.Pros

  • High aesthetics, various colors
  • High hardness, strength, and resistance help to fill many different tooth positions in the mouth.
  • Acceptable price
  • It is easy to be filled


  • It requires high medical skills and precise performance, otherwise it will not meet the quality standards.
  • Composite fillings are less durable than amalgam fillings.
Metal (dental gold)It is a dental material made from precious metals such as gold.Pros

  • High aesthetics
  • High durability, good load-bearing capacity, and low food adhesion


  • It has the highest price and can cause allergies.
GIC (Glass Ionomer Cement)Glass ionomer cement (GIC) is a self-adhesive restorative material.Pros

  • Low price
  • Being performed easily


  • Low aesthetics
  • Low durability

Choosing the right dental filling material is extremely important to ensure long-term aesthetic and chewing ability. Therefore, you should choose a reputable dentist for specific advice, based on your oral health.

5. Tooth filling procedure – quick, easy and effective

Dental filling procedure is usually quick. It takes only about 15-30 minutes per tooth. The procedure usually follows these steps:

  • Step 1: Dental examination and consultation

The dentist will do a general examination of your oral health and determine the position and the damage of the tooth that needs to be filled. Based on your specific situation, the dentist will give you advice on the appropriate filling material, explain in detail the procedure, as well as precautions after filling.

  • Step 2: Clean and numb your tooth with local anesthesia

The area that needs to be filled will be cleaned to remove all bacteria and plaque. Before starting the procedure, your dentist will inject an anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth to ensure that you do not feel any pain during the filling procedure. The anesthetic only numbs the area that needs to be treated.

  • Step 3: Applying the Filling

A drill or laser is used to remove the decayed portion of your tooth and create a filling cavity. The dentist chooses a filling material color that matches the color of your natural teeth and pours filling material inside the hole in the tooth. The filling material will be shaped and exposed to blue light to harden prematurely.

  • Step 4: Adjustments and polishing

After the filling, the dentist will make the necessary adjustments to your bite to prevent any discomfort during chewing or biting down. Specialized polishers will make the filling look and feel glossy, leaving you with a beautifully restored tooth.

Quy trình hàn trám răng tại Nha khoa Quốc Tế Việt Pháp
Quy trình hàn trám răng tại Nha khoa Quốc Tế Việt Pháp

6. Latest dental filling price list in 2024

The cost of dental fillings depends on many factors such as:

  • Tooth position: Front teeth are often more expensive than molars to restore due to their higher aesthetic value.
  • Degree of damage: Extensive cavities or large chips will cost more than minor cavities.
  • Type of filling material: Each type of filling material has a different price, from affordable to expensive.
  • Number of teeth needing filling: Cost will increase according to the number of teeth needing filling.

To help you estimate the cost of tooth filling, Viet Phap International Dental Clinic would like to provide the tooth filling price list currently applied at our clinic for customers to refer to:

TypeAmountFee (VND)
Composite restoration – Class Ia tooth300.000
Composite restoration – Class IIa tooth450.000
Composite restoration – Class IIIa tooth500.000
Composite restoration – Class IVa tooth600.000
Composite restoration – Class Va tooth800.000
GIC restorationa tooth250.000
Sandwich technique (GIC + composite)a tooth650.000
Baby tooth fillinga tooth200.000
Dentin hypersensitivity2 jaws500.000
Fluoride varnish to prevent tooth decay2 jaws500.000
Applying SDF to prevent tooth decaya tooth200.000

Note: The above price list is for reference only and may change depending on the time. For consulting the cost of dental fillings, please contact Viet Phap International Dental Clinic directly for advice and support.

7. 5 tips for dental filling aftercare

Dental filling is an effective dental solution that helps restore chewing ability and aesthetics for decayed, chipped, or spaced teeth. However, to ensure long-term effectiveness, you need to keep in mind the following:

  • About eating

You should eat soft, easy-to-chew foods such as porridge, soups, broth, etc. on the first day after having a tooth-filling. You should not eat hard, chewy foods such as candy, ice, nuts, etc. because they can cause the filling to wear out. In addition, you should also avoid dark-colored foods such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, etc. because they can discolor the filling.

  • Oral Hygiene

You should brush your teeth regularly twice a day, for at least 2 minutes each time by using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. In addition, you should rinse your mouth with saline or a specialized mouthwash after each meal.

  • Follow up for abnormalities after filling

If you experience persistent pain, sensitivity, a chipped filling, or any signs of swelling, bleeding, or infection around the filling area, contact your dentist for prompt treatment.

  • Follow up for abnormalities after filling

If you experience pain, sensitivity, or see a chipped filling, or any signs of swelling, bleeding, or infection around the filling area, contact your dentist for prompt treatment.

8. Frequently asked questions about dental fillings – Quick, easy-to-understand answers

Tooth filling is a common dental solution  to restore decayed, broken, chipped teeth, etc., restore the beauty and chewing ability of the teeth. However, many people are still afraid of the procedure, the level of pain or the effectiveness after filling teeth. There are some quick, easy-to-understand information about dental fillings below:

1. Do dental fillings hurt?

Usually, filling a tooth is not painful if performed by a skilled dentist. Some people may feel a slight pain after filling a tooth, but this will quickly end.

2. How long should you wait to eat after a dental filling?

You can eat immediately after filling if your teeth are healthy and do not need anesthesia during the filling procedure. In case of weak, painful, severely decayed teeth, etc., you can eat and drink normally after 1-2 hours of the filling.

3. Is it safe to get dental fillings while pregnant or breastfeeding?

 For pregnant women:

  • Dental fillings without local anesthesia or X-rays are completely safe for pregnant women
  • Dental fillings should be performed between the 4th and 7th months of pregnancy to ensure the health of both the mother and the baby and to ensure the effectiveness of the filling.

For breastfeeding mothers:

Breastfeeding mothers can completely have their teeth filled if:

  • There is no need to use anesthesia or sedation.
  • There is no need for any medications to support or if necessary, it will ensure the safety of the mother and the baby who is breastfeeding.
  • There is no root canal treatment because this service can bring a feeling of pain and requires anesthesia to perform.

4. Can 3-year-old children have baby teeth filled?

Depending on the tooth decay in children:

  • If your child has early tooth decay, doctors may indicate tooth remineralization to help regenerate the damaged tooth and protect the remaining tooth. Tooth remineralization also helps treat tooth sensitivity and strengthens teeth.
  • In case of severe tooth decay or broken teeth, the child should have the tooth filled. Tooth filling helps protect the maximum amount of undamaged teeth and prevent damage to the pulp and root.

Therefore, it is completely possible to fill teeth for 3-year-old children if there are no other treatments for their tooth decay.

5. How do you know when a filling needs replacing?

You can replace a filling if it turns yellow or discolored. However, if the filling is in a molar area and discolored, you do not need to replace it with a new one.

Khi nào cần thay thế miếng trám răng
Khi nào cần thay thế miếng trám răng

6. 3 How long do dental fillings last?

Dental fillings can last from 5 to 10 years on average. However, the durability of dental fillings depends on many factors, including the position of the filling, the degree of tooth damage, the type of filling material, and the customer’s oral care.

7. How long do dental fillings last?

Bạn có thể ăn ngay sau khi trám răng trong trường hợp răng khỏe, không phải gây tê trong quá trình trám. Với trường hợp răng yếu, buốt, sâu nặng, v.vv.. thì sau khi trám 1-2 giờ bạn có thể ăn uống bình thường.

8. Are there any side effects to dental filling?

Dental filling does not have any effects on health if performed properly and using safe materials

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Contact information

In Hanoi:
⛔ No. 24, Tran Duy Hung Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi
⛔ No.06 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi
⛔ No.69 Tran Dang Ninh Street, Dich Vong Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi
⛔ No.29 Nguyen Du Street, Bui Thi Xuan Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi
⛔ No. 358, Block 36, O H-TT5, Hi Brand Residential Area, Van Phu New Urban Area, Phu La Ward, Ha Dong District, Hanoi (next to the clock block)
In Bac Ninh:
⛔ No. 119, Huyen Quang Street, Ninh Xá Ward, Bac Ninh city, Bac Ninh province
In Quang Ninh:
⛔ No. 90 Quang Trung Street, Uong Bi City, Quang Ninh Province
⛔ No. 7, Nguyen Van Cu Street, (Kenh Liem junction), Ha Long City
⛔ No. 362, Tran Hung Dao Street (Loong Toong intersection), Ha Long City